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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Meeting a Hometown Hero

A few weeks ago, Flo Garris was at her normal post as School Crossing Guard at Silver Lake Drive and Husson Avenue in Palatka. The same place she's been for the past 23 years.

As a man on a bicycle with a 4-year old child on the handlebars entered the large intersection, they fell.  At the same instant, a car turning from the side road was headed directly for them.  Flo, seeing the driver was unaware of their presence, jumped into the road to get the driver's attention and stop traffic.  According to the Sheriff's office, "without the immediate and decisive action taken by Flo, a terrible tragedy could easily have unfolded that morning at her school crossing." 

Several things make this story even more precious.  First, Flo had just gotten out of the hospital the day before, having undergone a surgical procedure on her heart.  Secondly, this school crossing guard is 93 years old!

Most of us would never know of her bravery had it not been for someone else sharing the story.  I first read about the encounter because Cindy posted it on Facebook.  She had witnessed the event and shared it with her friends, but she also took the time to write a letter to the Sheriff commending Flo for her quick actions.  

Flo was recently awarded the life Saving Medal for her actions and I was thrilled to have her in the studio along with a friend and fellow crossing guard, Josie Ryals.  

If you missed the interview, please check it out here:

She's 93 and hopes to continue helping "her kids" across the street every day for a long time to come.  Be inspired!!  What can you do?

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