One challenge for our club has been increasing membership. It's a lot of fun being a part of a group with a good view of the bigger picture in life...that life's not just all about me, myself and I. It's a great place to make friends and be part of something of great value.
After being the victim of a random act of vandalism today - having my vehicle's back window broken - it reminded me of that need for new members. Our civic clubs have something of tremendous worth to offer, a place to learn how to do good things for others, to serve without asking for something in return and basically to seek the greater good.
But for me there's still an even deeper meaning. As a Christian I've chosen to follow Someone who "...did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)
I don't know why it shocks me for someone to do some seemingly random act such as destroy my window! It's a reminder of the fact that not everyone holds the same principles as important and that means my work is not done. It will never be done as a believer in Jesus Christ. It's not done as a Kiwanis Club member or as a member of this community that I want to see become an even better place to live.
One of the biggest things I admire about Rotary:

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