Recently, the ministry behind that radio feature asked for their station partners to get even more involved. To reach beyond in their own communities. And to help make it happen, they offered a grant to do it!
When I heard about the grant I couldn't help but think we have a list of potential projects right here in our community that could qualify. I submitted a grant proposal, telling Reach Beyond about South Putnam Church's medical mission.
Pastor Brian Baker and his team have done a phenomenal job of meeting the needs of people in their community. For over a year they've treated people who are uninsured, covering everything from hypertension and diabetes to the common cold. But they could do so much more with more resources. The potential to reach people with the gospel is limitless in our community. They do that by providing medical care they cannot or would not receive anywhere else!
That's the same idea behind what Reach Beyond does all over the world. I encourage you to read and sign their Manifesto, read the story of their ministry, and of course reach beyond in your own life!
Listen to the interview with Pastor Brian, medical director Danny Kreisman, and Jon Fugler of Reach Beyond, when we presented them with a check for $1,000 from this generous grant.
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