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Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Weighs 60 Pounds?

I'm celebrating another milestone in my weight loss journey! With 60 pounds now shed, it made me wonder, what weighs 60 pounds? Here's a few items:

  • 240 sticks of butter

  • 640 Oreos

  • 40 dozen eggs

  • 8 gallons of water

  • 4 Thanksgiving Turkeys

  • a bushel of wheat

  • a collie or husky or 5 weenie dogs!
I'm trying to imagine myself carrying around those turkeys or gallon jugs of water.
No wonder my knees were hurting and I was always so tired!!
Another twenty pounds to go. Bring on the gym and the health food!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you!!! Congrats Robin and keep up the good work!
